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Pat Darrah


August 6, 2024

Default Settings

Default Settings: Perfection is not the goal, we are not olympic athletes so making our lives overly rigorous is just not beneficial or sustainable. I see many people that have an all or nothing approach to health and fitness: either they are working out 6 days a week with super intense workouts, following a super strict diet, taking all kinds of supplements - or they do little to nothing. There’s no middle ground, my approach is to set some default settings for your lifestyle. Basically if it’s just a normal day with no special occasion, or circumstances what does that day look like in terms of health and fitness. For me it means, I am going to get a workout in, I am going to eat good healthy food, I am going to get proper sleep, drink enough water, not drink alcohol, and not add any unneeded junk food. These are my default settings, that doesn’t mean I don’t drink, don’t have the occasional candy, have pizza with the kids on movie night, etc. The goal is to make those things the exception not the norm. If your default settings are off, meaning you usually don’t workout, you don’t drink much water at all, you drink alcohol most days, you usually eat unhealthy meals. A challenge is a good way to get the ball rolling on building healthy habits. Here’s an example, you can customize it to fit.  

40 day challenge

  1. Drink a gallon of water a day
  2. No junk food
  3. No Alcohol
  4. Exercise minimum 20’ 
  5. 7-8 hours of sleep 
  6. Eat 3 healthy meals a day, these are nutritious meals. Keep it simple with whole food ingredients, maybe the same 3 every day. Big salad can be one of them. 

The goal here is to set those default settings and habits, find the rhythms that work best for you and are doable and sustainable for the long term. Remember we are products of our habits and routines and if our habits are healthy we’ll be healthy and have the freedom to enjoy a good beer, milkshake, pizza, soda, candy bar, you get the idea. We just don’t want those to be the norm. Guilt free enjoyment is the goal, and we do that by making our default settings sound.

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