If you're one of those people who can’t wait to go to the gym everyday - this is not for you. If you’re like the rest of us who have day’s where working out seems like the most unappealing thing to do, here’s a few tips to get around that.
- Mail it in. This is counter to most things you’ll see out there. The popular messages are things like: Crush the day, effort over everything, be 1% better, Mamba mindset, a whole lot of motivational things like that. And that’s great, but…. Most of us have regular jobs, kids, responsibilities, other things that bump exercise down the priority list. So here’s something that will help just to get you in the door. Just tell yourself “today I’m mailing it in” but I’m still going to do it. I do this all the time, fully knowing that once I start I will go harder than what I told myself I was going to do. I have been doing this for years and wasn’t sure if it would work for other people until I was having a conversation with a member who said they do the same thing. There’s some psychological things happening when you mentally let yourself off the hook to go really hard that gets you to do it.
- Don’t be all or nothing minded: This is helpful to stay consistent, instead of having an all or nothing mindset give yourself minimum standards, to start it might be 10’ of exercise a day. This is from James Clear’s Atomic Habits. Think about success in terms of being consistent and building the habit instead of how much weight you're lifting or how much you're losing. Success is showing up consistently, that’s the win, everything else will take as long as it takes, take the pressure off yourself.
- Don’t compare yourself to others: I see this a lot, people get discouraged when they start exercising, because they feel like they're not as strong or in as good of shape as others. This is all relative, I am decently strong and fit, but if you put me in certain gyms, I would be the weakest, most out of shape guy in there, and that’s OK. We are all on our own journey’s and the only thing we should compare ourselves to is ourselves, are we doing our best and making progress? That’s good enough.
Knowledge about exercise is more prevalent today than ever before, people can find literally the perfect program for their needs with a simple google search. Information is not the problem, it’s our habits, so work on those as the priority and learn as you go.
If you're in the Moscow area and interested in building good health habits with accountability and support. Let’s Chat