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Pat Darrah


August 8, 2024

Just Start

Maybe you’re not a worker outer meaning you don’t exercise, don’t really like it, don’t know how to do it well, etc. But maybe you know you probably should do it, you understand it’s important and would be a good thing for all the health reasons. My advice would be to start, you’re not going to be very strong, you’re going to get out of breath, it’s going to be uncomfortable,and challenging, but that’s how everything is. I am not a writer, never done it consistently, never learned how to do it well, I don’t know how to structure sentences very well, don’t know when to use a semicolon, probably use too many commas, and so on. But I decided I wanted to be decent at it, so I am committing to writing something every day. If I keep this up I know it will become easier and better over time, but I have to start somewhere. When I first started working out it was the same thing, I wasn’t that strong, didn’t have good technique, felt awkward, etc. Now it’s routine, I know what to do, I know how to do it, I know what works, what’s effective, I just put in the reps. 

So when you’re starting a new thing, here’s a few tips:

  1. Be consistent - This is most important
  2. Don’t make it too hard - Make it doable, so you can build the habit and be consistent.
  3. Don’t be hard on yourself - you’re starting something new, don’t compare yourself to people who have years of reps built in. You’re where you're at, and you're doing it. The win is in showing up and putting in your best effort for that day. That’s good enough. 
  4. Enjoy the process - Reframe the point, instead of just looking at where you want to be and where you’re not currently. Think about the fact that you're engaging and learning something new, and find enjoyment and a sense of accomplishment in that. 
  5. Set a time to do this new thing - remember it’s a new part of your routine, it has to be planned with an appointment set. 
  6. Get some help - This will save a lot of time and confusion to get some good coaching and accountability. 
  7. Be okay with it not being great - when we start something unfamiliar or new it’s not going to be great, so what? That’s the path, it’s the only way. We all start somewhere. 

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